Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I'm bring it back from the depths of 2011.

Well... what's happened? I have two beautiful girls now. Who would have known? I always thought I would have had boys. I am totally ready for growing baby number three, but my husband isn't. We're still living in the partially finished house that we started so many years ago. Small bits of progress have happened in the midst of baby birthing and rearing.

I'm still at my dead end job. So... hardly anything has really changed. I'm older, wiser... maybe. I'm grayer for sure. I'm heavier, yet stronger. I've weathered the ups and downs of motherhood now. The highs and lows of that vocation are not to be scoffed at. I subsist on less sleep than I ever thought possible. I nurse and sooth. I bathe and feed. I kiss and cuddle like no one's business.

I'll try to breathe some life back into this garbage dump of thoughts.

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